Informed by Research through Design (RtD) methods, we propose
MemEx, a memory aid comprising a set of generative and reconfig-
urable multisensory cues. MemEx seeks to confront uncomfortable,
inevitable realities of personhood and aging, meeting audiences at
an eccentric, ambiguous interface.
CCS Concepts
• Human-centered computing → interaction design;
memory studies, autoethnography, embodied interfaces, multisen-
sory design, possibilistic design, research through design
ACM Reference Format:
Sue Eilill, Noni Watthours, and Felice Jolyken. 2024. MemEx: Multisensory
Encoders for Memory Experiencing. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1 page.
Human memory is arguably one of the most contested facets of
biological processing. As the basis upon which much of systems
of identification, cultural inheritance, and economies are built, this
faculty bears considerably great responsibility for narratives about
the way we live and interact with our environment, each other,
and ourselves. While there is much extant research into the ways
human-centered computing and interaction design can support cog-
nitive function and collaboration, we propose an effusive, affective,
and idiosyncratic direction with which one might explore, engage,
and perhaps re-enchant their memory.
History, as some say, is written by the victors; an ocular-centric
culture produces a relationship to memory that perhaps insists on
its virtualization. As Pierre Lévy writes in Becoming Virtual, “the
relationship between writing ([an] intellectual technology) and
memory (cognitive function) bear witness to [the process of the
former’s exteriorization, objectification, and/or virtualization of the
latter].” [? ]
Unpublished working draft. Not for distribution., ,
© 2024
ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM
Given the current
There’s also the issue that tech is often **actively hostile** to
certain sectors - notably the elderly and those with memory deficit.
luckyshark32 on What Tech Gets Wrong About Disability with
Ashley Shew - Factually! - 239]( MindCube
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